Optional Training

Get out there!

Through additional coursework beyond IU Indianapolis’ ROTC requirements, you will develop leadership skills, self-confidence, and a can-do attitude. Not only do you try new things, but your aggressive spirit—developed through mental and physical conditioning—takes flight and begins to soar.


Basic Airborne Course (BAC) is a three-week adventure in Fort Benning, Georgia, which consists of training for and execution of five static-line parachute jumps from an aircraft at 1250 feet high in the sky. When you attend BAC, you qualify to use a parachute as a means of combat deployment.

Air Assault

This two-week course conducted at several military installations across the country teaches the basics of air assault operations including moving personnel and equipment via helicopter. As a participant, you will rappel from a helicopter and complete a rigorous obstacle course along with a twelve-mile road march.

Cadet Troop Leader Training

You may find yourself anywhere in the country, or overseas, involved in the Cadet Troop Leadership Training Program. This internship program places you in actual Army units acting as a Lieutenant. This two- or three-week challenge allows you to gain a perspective on what you will be facing as a future officer. Generally, you are placed in a platoon leader position, leading 30-plus soldiers. You’ll also be responsible for millions of dollars of equipment.

Norwegian Road March

The 18.6-mile road march requires participants to march on a trail that covers a variety of terrain while dressed in military attire and carrying a 25-pound rucksack. You may register individually or as part of a four-member team. When you complete the road march in an allotted amount of time, you will receive a certificate and the bronze badge. After finishing four marches, a silver badge is your reward. But, why stop there when you can go for the gold? It’s conveyed after you complete eight marches.