- Phone:
- 317.274.2641
- Email:
- scrking@iu.edu

CPT (Retired) Scott King began his tenure with the School of Physical Education and Tourism Management as the IU Indianapolis university liaison for the military science department (ROTC) in June 2005. Before his employment with IU Indianapolis, King graduated IU Indianapolis and received his commission in 1996.
Prior to being medically retired in 2003, King’s military career began with his enlistment in 1989. He saw assignments that deployed him to and in support of Operation Just Cause, Operations Desert Shield/Storm, Stabilization Force (SFOR) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo Force (KFOR), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF).
King married the former Cristal Marie Kerns in June 1995. They live in Indianapolis with their two cats, Shadow and Ninja. The couple loves traveling, especially to tropical locales. Together, they enjoy outdoor recreation such as snorkeling, surfing, ocean kayaking, attending rock concerts, and watching movies. King is proud of his work as the assistant head baseball coach at North Central High School, a role he’s held since 2006.